
Harvard graduate and entrepreneur with an extensive background in marketing and consulting.


  • Wivarior has founded multiple successful web 2 advertising agencies.

  • At Knittables, he's responsible for strategic partnerships, HR management, advisory processes as well as top-level discord / community management.

Professional Experience:

wivarior started out as an employee in a marketing agency back in 2009, worked his way up to head of operations and decided to quit his job to study management in the US - mainly to master the language, experience a different culture, expand his personal and business network overseas and learn from some of the best professors worldwide. In his last year of university, he started his first company.

He has founded multiple other successful companies, has experienced growth of startups first-hand and was able to learn how to deal with challenges ranging from hiring the wrong talent, managing tough clients, drafting shareholder agreements and bylaws, setting up legal frameworks, and managing teams - always with the ambition to deliver top-notch services to clients in a sustainable and profitable manner.


Harvard alumn, serial entrepreneur, marketing & consulting background.


  • Company Management

  • Business Relations / Partnership Management

  • Sales

Why do you do what you do?

  • I'm all about business. Whatever I'm doing, I instantly think about a potential business model / use case, get excited about potential opportunities, and help others out wherever I can.

Why Knittables?

  • Creating a high-end 3D-animated collection has always been a dream of mine since I started engaging in web3. I wanted to do things a bit differently and experiment a lot to really move the space forward and make sure that the entire corporate framework is set up in a sustainable and profitable way.

What were some of the major learnings / challenges you encountered with Knittables?

  • We decided to experiment a lot and do things a bit differently than the "regular" NFT collection. Doing so has shown us that it is incredibly hard to convince "degens" about the potential of Knittables and our future vision as this space has not yet matured in the way we thought and we had to pivot a lot of our strategies to make sure it works out.

What is your future goal with Knittables?

  • Through our unique skillset (Sales + 3D Content Creation + VFX Supervising), we are uniquely positioned to offer 3D content creation as a service to other projects & creators in the web3 space. The (Solana) NFT space needs to increase the quality level of 3D NFTs and we are here to make this happen.

  • On top of that, one of our major goals is to onboard new users to Solana NFTs and web3 in general and we understand it as our mission to lower the entry threshold for newcomers as much as possible and help this space to get into the phase of mass adoption.

  • We care about our community and holders, and anything we are working on in this space will be approached with a "holders first" mindset.

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