
Bivarior is a designer with extensive experience in working for the Automotive industry.


  • Bivarior has worked for numerous brands like Mercedes-benz, Hyundai and BMW. He works on every step of the design process from the first doodles on paper until the final high-end 3D model.

  • At Knittables, he is responsible for designing almost the entire collection of traits and collaboration assets, which are then textured by ADCdsb in the next step of our 3D creation process.

Professional Experience:

Coming from the Automotive Industry, Bivarior is a perfectionist. Working closely with ADCdsb, their workflow goes hand in hand. This is also what fueled the level of detail and quality in the Knittables collection.

Bivarior's go to tools to create his designs, apart from traditional pen and paper, are Photoshop and other 3D softwares like Autodesk Maya, Vred or Blender where he spends most of his time fine tuning and experimenting.


  • Bachelor of Arts - Transportation Design


  • 2D Design creation

  • 3D modeling and texturing

  • Collaboration assets creation

Why do you do what you do?

  • I love shaping things. I am always on the look for beauty or aesthetically pleasing objects. Wether in nature, as bodily features or cars driving by, I always apreciate the shape and think about the most efficient way to build it in 3D. Starting in my head followed by a doodle on paper and ending up in a carefully executed CAD model ready to come to life by textures and animations.

Why Knittables?

  • I have always had a passion for character Design. As a former WoW player, I get thrilled by claiming unique Armor Traits for my character. Now being the one who actually designs the Traits himself is a dream come true.

What were some of the major learnings / challenges you encountered with Knittables?

  • Learning how complex and time consuming the process of successfully launching a 3D animated NFT collection actually is.

What is your future goal with Knittables?

  • Setting a benchmark for 3D animated NFT collections in terms of quality and uniqueness of the Design in order to create true icons.

  • Positioning ourselves as a service provider for 3D content in the web3 space.

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