
Award-winning VFX supervisor who has worked on high-end films and series.


  • With over 15 years of experience in the content creation industry, v0xelator has brought life to a large variety of virtual worlds and 3D characters.

  • With him as part of the Knittables team, the project and community are in good hands to face the challenges of tomorrow and offer a very large panel of possibilities for future applications of the Tribe.

Professional Experience:

Starting out as an artist, he made his way up to becoming a VFX supervisor in one of the leading VFX companies in the world. His day to day challenges encompass bringing creative visions to the screen while managing large teams of artists and developers during world-class blockbusters and successful TV Shows for which he has earned two VES Awards.


From starting with Photoshop about 20 years ago over playing around in Unreal Engine up to building highly complex workflows and asset pipelines in Houdini, v0xelator's creative and technical vision has always been on the forefront of technology.

It is thanks to his knowledge that we have been able to develop a streamlined workflow and a custom-built in-house 3D asset pipeline that allows us to achieve what the Knittables stand for: deliver the highest quality 3D-animated assets.


  • CGI Supervision

  • Workflow integration

Why do you do what you do?

  • Bringing world and creative vision to life!

Why Knittables?

  • The perfect combo, friends, 3D, and entire world to bring to life trough different medium! Being part of an IP for the beginning has always been something I wanted to do. In the past I was bringing client vision to life and while it was tons of fun there was always something missing.

  • Starting something with friend is always a dream but you rarely get all stars aligned to build a sustainable business and I feel like with Knittables we have the perfect constellation.

What were some of the major learnings / challenges you encountered with Knittables?

  • Making 10 000 unique character is quite something ! Experimenting in the space and bringing new dynamic was super exciting and now it is challenging but this give me even more strength to push further than anyone else in the space.

What is your future goal with Knittables?

  • First of all having fun with the team and involving a larger group of people via our community. Building a entire ecosystem with our Knittables.

  • Bringing our character to life in all the way possible. We have the Phygital on the way and are exploring other medium. Gaming is fun...

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